What is Garbage Container and How to Use is ?

   What is Garbage Container ?
   Garbage   Container  is a  garbage  collection  box  of  household and solid waste, located at the suitable points of
settlement areas, for temporarily storage before collection and removal by authorised agencies.

   How to Use It ?
   • Garbage containers can only be used for  temporary  storage  of  household  and  solid  waste.  Liquid,   medical,
chemical and dangerous waste cannot be stored in the container. Otherwise, it may lead to problems in human
health and lifecycle of the container.

  • Hot  ash  or  flammable  materials should not be put into the container as it causes the solid waste inside to burn,
so it is harmful to human health and for the environment.

  • Open container lids may cause  bad  smell  and  harmful microbial bacteria to spread to the environment. This also
enables  various  insects  to  go  into  container  and  causes the garbage inside o move out. For this reason, lids are
required to remain closed at all times.

  • Unhygienic environment may  occur due to the waste stored in the garbage container areas. For this reason, the
area to locate the container is  required  to  be  outside  of  the  settlement. Instead, it needs to be a place where
disposal, cleaning and maintaining processes could be easily carried out.

  • The platform of the container is required to be smooth and the area to be surrounded.

  • Inner and external surfaces of the container are required to be disinfected periodically with hot pressurised water
and by using various cleaning materials.

  • Garbage containers become deformed considerably due to the mistakes made by users. This brings extra costs as
the garbage cannot be stored well, human health and the  environment  get  negatively  affected and also it causes
visual pollution.

  • Garbage containers should not be misused. Otherwise, it might cause serious damages.

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